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    March 26, 2019
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With Bible in Hand I work and who can turn it back These words in the Bible may be applied to many events in human history When things appear to be out of control from a human viewpoint it may be that the Lord is at work The Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar (570 BC) was head of the greatest kingdom in the world of his day but God made him learn the principle that "the Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom he will - setting over it the lowliest of men". (Daniel 4) This begs the question that God is still working to achieve his purpose with the long succession of the world's nations. The prophet goes on to say what that purpose is. In the end, God will "set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed or left to another people". It will bring the system of human governments to an end and, significantly he adds, "It shall stand for ever" (Daniel 2) Public Bible talks in April 2019 (God willing) Heaven and Hell Easter and Bible Teaching Putting God First "Is Being Good Enough?" 07 April 21 28 Commencing at 12.15 pm The Christadelphian Hall, 2 Harepath Road, Seaton EX12 2RP For talks online go to and click on 'whats on' 'listen again'